The Constitution Study
Politics • Education
I started The Constitution Study to help others learn to read and study their Constitution, so they may better know and understand their rights. It is where people can gather online to study together, discuss events, and help each other work to return our nation to the Constitutional Republic is was meant to be.
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Newly Released Document Details What FBI Informant Learned of Biden Bribery Charge

When an FBI confidential informant met with Burisma executives in Austria in 2016, he strongly advised them against plans to buy a U.S. oil company – chiefly because the controversial Ukrainian energy firm with Hunter Biden on its board was under investigation in Ukraine.

He further suggested that Burisma first spend about $50,000 litigating the corruption investigation in Ukraine.

Then-Burisma CEO Mykola Zlochevsky laughed, according to a newly released, unclassified FBI document. He wasn’t laughing because the number was so small, the informant said. Rather, he laughed because the suggestion had the number five in it.

“It costs 5 (million) to pay one Biden, and 5 (million) to another Biden,” the unclassified 1023 form quotes Zlochevsky saying at the 2016 meeting, a reference to then-Vice President Joe Biden and to son Hunter Biden, who was serving on the board of Burisma.

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In Loco Parentis, Tyrannis!

Who is in charge of your children? That has been a perennial question that has grown in importance over the last few years. When I was a child, it was understood that, with rare exceptions, parents were in charge of a child’s upbringing. This included medical, religious, and educational decisions. However, over the last few decades, the role of the parent in these decisions has been replaced by experts. What happens when the goal of the experts differs from those of the parents? Who decides the future of the rising generations? It was understood that the state acted in loco parentis, in place of the parents, only for the safety of the child. A recent case in U.S. District Court shows that be it health departments, child services, schools, or even the courts. Government not only believes they know better than the parents, they are more than willing to act in loco parentis tyrannis.

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The Role of the Federal Courts

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Nothing can now be believed...

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A Foreigner in our own country

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Seeking truth in a sea of information

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