The Constitution Study
Politics • Education
I started The Constitution Study to help others learn to read and study their Constitution, so they may better know and understand their rights. It is where people can gather online to study together, discuss events, and help each other work to return our nation to the Constitutional Republic is was meant to be.
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Bribery and intimidation, how American governments work

Alexis De Tocqueville famously said “The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public’s money”. Not only has Congress learned this lesson, but state and local governments have as well. However, not everything can be gained by the carrot of bribery. Sometimes governments need the stick of intimidation to bend people to their will. Before you start picking at the speck in the eyes of others, perhaps you should start looking at the beam in your own eye. - Live 4PM ET with Host Paul Engel @CyberEngel @OutLoudNews

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In Loco Parentis, Tyrannis!

Who is in charge of your children? That has been a perennial question that has grown in importance over the last few years. When I was a child, it was understood that, with rare exceptions, parents were in charge of a child’s upbringing. This included medical, religious, and educational decisions. However, over the last few decades, the role of the parent in these decisions has been replaced by experts. What happens when the goal of the experts differs from those of the parents? Who decides the future of the rising generations? It was understood that the state acted in loco parentis, in place of the parents, only for the safety of the child. A recent case in U.S. District Court shows that be it health departments, child services, schools, or even the courts. Government not only believes they know better than the parents, they are more than willing to act in loco parentis tyrannis.

385 - Do Artificial Intelligences Have Rights?

With the release of ChatGPT and other artificial intelligence (AI) applications, there has been a lot of speculation and downright assertions about our future. With over 30 years of experience in Information Technology (IT), not more than a passing understanding of AIs, I've come to the conclusion that much of what I've heard is more science fiction than fact. A recent court case decided in the D.C. District Court revolved around one very important question. Do AIs have rights?

The Role of the Federal Courts

In this third installment of the three-part series on the branches of government, we look at the role of the third and weakest branch. At least that is what our Founding Fathers thought of it. What is the role of the federal judiciary? What are the extent of their powers, how do they related to the other two branches of government, and why is a proper understanding of the role of the judiciary critical if the United States is to remain a constitutional republic?

1960's - Take Two

I was born just after JFK was assassinated, so I don’t remember that day, or the day MLK and RFK were assassinated. That said, I do remember the turmoil and the history I learned of that time in American history. When I look around today, I feel a sense of nostalgia. After all, we have campus demonstrations, political assassinations, a sexual revolution, and crime, just to name a few of the similarities. Which makes me believe Santayana was correct, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." - Live 4PM ET with Host Paul Engel @CyberEngel @OutLoudNews

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Testing our education system

I don’t know anyone who likes taking tests. It was bad enough in school, but then I had to take several certification tests throughout my career, and I didn’t like any of that. But as I began training other people, I began to understand that tests help evaluate what the students are learning and how. I think it’s time we “test” our education systems and see how well they are educating our students. - Live 4PM ET with Host Paul Engel @CyberEngel @OutLoudNews

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Voting and Speech

With the upcoming election, there are several topics of conversation I keep hearing about. Two of the more important topics are voting and freedom of speech. I put these two together because, let’s face it, there are plenty of people trying to suppress speech to win elections.

If we don’t have free and fair elections, where the people’s will is accurately recorded, then we are not a republic. And if we are not free to discuss certain topics or express certain ideas, especially about elections, then those elections are neither free nor fair. So as Election Day approaches, we should take care that both the freedom to legally vote and to speak are highly protected. - Live 4PM ET with Host Paul Engel @CyberEngel @OutLoudNews

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