The Constitution Study
Politics • Education
I started The Constitution Study to help others learn to read and study their Constitution, so they may better know and understand their rights. It is where people can gather online to study together, discuss events, and help each other work to return our nation to the Constitutional Republic is was meant to be.
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Pride cometh before the fall

We were told that pride was something to be avoided. Jesus listed pride among the evils that come out of a man. Yet we just completed an entire month dedicated to pride. Not pride in an accomplishment or some historical event, but pride in perversity. It was more than just the half-naked and phonographic parades, but the extortion used to get people and companies to join in. As Proverbs says: “Pride goes before destruction, And a haughty spirit before a fall.” It seems that the Pride Mafia may have led to a fall. - Live 4PM ET with Host Paul Engel @CyberEngel @OutLoudNews

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In Loco Parentis, Tyrannis!

Who is in charge of your children? That has been a perennial question that has grown in importance over the last few years. When I was a child, it was understood that, with rare exceptions, parents were in charge of a child’s upbringing. This included medical, religious, and educational decisions. However, over the last few decades, the role of the parent in these decisions has been replaced by experts. What happens when the goal of the experts differs from those of the parents? Who decides the future of the rising generations? It was understood that the state acted in loco parentis, in place of the parents, only for the safety of the child. A recent case in U.S. District Court shows that be it health departments, child services, schools, or even the courts. Government not only believes they know better than the parents, they are more than willing to act in loco parentis tyrannis.

385 - Do Artificial Intelligences Have Rights?

With the release of ChatGPT and other artificial intelligence (AI) applications, there has been a lot of speculation and downright assertions about our future. With over 30 years of experience in Information Technology (IT), not more than a passing understanding of AIs, I've come to the conclusion that much of what I've heard is more science fiction than fact. A recent court case decided in the D.C. District Court revolved around one very important question. Do AIs have rights?

The Role of the Federal Courts

In this third installment of the three-part series on the branches of government, we look at the role of the third and weakest branch. At least that is what our Founding Fathers thought of it. What is the role of the federal judiciary? What are the extent of their powers, how do they related to the other two branches of government, and why is a proper understanding of the role of the judiciary critical if the United States is to remain a constitutional republic?

Bumping Into the Law

When does a rifle become a machine gun? That is the question asked in the Supreme Court case Garland v. Cargill. When the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives suddenly decided to redefine bump stocks as machine guns, many Americans simply complied. However, when Michael Cargill surrendered his bump stocks to the ATF, he did so under protest, filing suit to challenge the rule under the Administrative Procedure Act. Those of us who enjoy and exercise our right to keep and bear arms owe Mr. Cargill a debt of gratitude, but the fight is not over. Thanks to Mr. Cargill’s determination and persistence, the ATF’s bump stock rule has been found to have not been created correctly, meaning we get our bump stocks back. However, it also leaves open the chance for Congress to do what the ATF could not, violate the Second Amendment one more time.

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Limits on Power

When the Framers of our Constitution considered the central government, they envisioned an entity with limited and enumerated powers, focused primarily on foreign considerations. Sadly, the government seated in Washington, D.C. has lost any resemblance to the entity created by the Constitution of the United States. Not only have the limited and enumerated powers become unlimited and without number, but it is quite obvious those in government see no limit to their power. - Live 4PM ET with Host Paul Engel @CyberEngel @OutLoudNews

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Our Independence Day!

Two hundred and forty eight years ago, things looked bleak for the colonies in 1776. The question of freedom had life and death consequences. Those 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence knew they were committing treason against their king. They knew that freedom would cost them greatly. Yet they still pledged to each other their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor. Today, groups of people around this nation are still fighting for their independence. Not from political affiliation, but from ever expanding governments dedicated to taking away our independence, our freedom, and our right to life, liberty, and to pursue happiness. Will you stand by while your birthright as an American is taken away from you and your family? Will you join with others to make sure this remains the land of the free by once again becoming the home of the brave? Will you pledge your life, your fortune, and your sacred honor, not to me or to this nation, but to your children and those who will follow? As we ...

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